I've been featued in the Bitter Sweet Zine Winter issue!!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

WOW I've been away! & Tuesday's Teacher

So I couldn't find my camera yesterday! YIKESSSS So I couldn't post any pictures of anything! I will have som pictures today though! I also went to my Mom's for the weekend and she has no internet at her house, so I have not been around! We had a bunch of Birthdays and Anniversaries to celebrate over the weekend! First Thursday was my mom's Birthday and our anniversary, then on Sunday was my bother-in-laws birthday and finally yesterday was our niece's birthday...so now I'm broke! LOL So are you ready for a bible verse... I know I am...we have a special very special verse because we are going to add to our birthday festivities!

"Let the children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 19:14

I just love this verse! God is just so amazing and he LOVES all of us, no matter how small, or any other factors! I am in awe of what children are capable of learnng and I feel that it is extremely important for us to sart them off with a good foundation in Christ Jesus so that the Kingdom of heaven can continue to grow!

One of the main reasons I choose this verse is because our new niece Eva was born on Thursday and I just think it is a miracle in itself. Being pregnant and giving birth is one of those things in life that just amazes me. I mean how in the world does a body do such miraculous things if it didn't come from the perfect creator, I thank God for the 3 children we have and for the 7 nieces and nephews we are blessed with as well! God is good...go kiss a little kid today...if it's yours, or related to you! LOL
So yes, that is a picture of little Eva... I just love her already..those LIPS good grief!!! Anywho I will post more pictures of what I have been up to latetly soon...Let me tell you I have been busy!!!
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Stampin'

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